Senate Bill 1405: Sponsored and Passed by Senator Ochoa Bogh on Behalf of LACSD.
New powers for LACSD.
New obligations for Arrowhead Woods homeowners.
The Senate Committee was Intensely Skeptical. Questioned the Wisdom.
Senate Bill 1405 began with LACSD (Lake Arrowhead Community Services District) seeking to expand its authority from being a provider of water and sewer services to also having the ability to acquire AWAC (Arrowhead Woods Architectural Committee) and administering the Arrowhead Woods CCRs. There was no input given by the homeowners and the bill was custom tailored with LACSD in mind.
The analysis below details all the new powers that LACSD will acquire and all the new obligations that Arrowhead Woods homeowners will be saddled with. Obligations include general assessments, special assessments, fees, charges being placed on the property tax bills, possible property tax liens and indemnification of LACSD.
Even the Senate Governance and Finance Committee analyst in the California Senate tasked with giving an opinion on the bill had grave reservations about LACSD, a public agency that would be enforcing private CCRs. The working group was intensely skeptical and questioned the wisdom of allowing special districts to enforce private contractual duties.
New Powers for LACSD and New Obligations for Homeowners.
Below is the bill language and the new burdens it places on the homeowners.
Plain English:
Property owners shall finance LACSD through fees, regular assessments and or special assessments.
Plain English:
Indemnification is when one party pays the other party's expenses. In this case that would mean the cost of litigation, settlements, injuries, damages and judgments. The Senate Committee stated that AWAC is facing a financial crisis: AWAC can't pay, homeowners are left holding the bag.
Plain English:
LACSD may use Section 61115 for enforcement of any fee, charge, or assessment on homeowners by:
1. Placing liens on said property.
2 Discontinuing any services it provides for non-payment.
3. Charging a 10% late fee.
4. Placing fees due on property tax rolls.
5. Using any remedy available for collection/enforcement.
The working group within the Senate Committee on Governance and Finance was intensely skeptical and questioned the wisdom of allowing a special district to enforce private contractual duties.
The working group stated in part:
"The ordinance must require the property owners within the tracts to finance, in compliance with other state and local law, the activities assumed by the CSD through fees, regular or special assessments. However, SB 1405 provides that this requirement shall not restrict the authority of the district to use general public funds. It also allows the CSD to collect these charges on the property tax bill. The ordinance must also require AWAC to indemnify the district for any litigation-related costs incurred in carrying out AWAC’s duties."
"CCRs are usually enforced by an HOA, which can be done without legislation and upon the consent of each property owner to join. SB 1405 instead creates a shortcut to the same end by allowing Lake Arrowhead to assume enforcement responsibilities with only the consent of AWAC—the board of which is not elected—and after a public hearing. Previous measures granting CSDs similar authority required an election or a petition approved by a majority of property owners for the authority to be transferred from the private entity to the CSD. Without such a provision, it is unclear that greater enforcement is desired by a majority of the property owners in Arrowhead Woods."
Comments from the Senate Governance and Finance Committee.
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